Friday 16 September 2011

Food philosophy, the first and the advantages and disadvantages of each

!±8± Food philosophy, the first and the advantages and disadvantages of each

In this article Rick Dina shares on raw food bearing two philosophies and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Rick Dina has been a raw foodist for 20 years. Rick is a chiropractor and teaches a series called The Science of Nutrition and Raw.

Kevin: Okay. Let us close this raw food from various philosophies and will not say what are the best, but what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Rick: It 'a big questionwhy so many people excited about raw food, but then when they find them more them that there are two fields that are in some ways diametrically opposed to each other, and it's really hard to know exactly what to start doing. On the one hand you have the natural field of hygiene that if a traditional store of raw foods, eating plenty of fruits, some vegetables, and is a completely different philosophy of life that accompanies it, it says. While it is theon the other hand, Hippocrates, Anne Wigmore type side and the other people who really look down on the promotion of fruit. People just do not know what to do. They argue with each other and there is the classic debate. The hygiene people say: "You guys eat too much fat." "No, we do not. You eat too much fruit because it is feeding time, and the yeast Candida and cancer." And all that other stuff.

I personally think that there are advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. My personal diet that I mentionedMy typical day before, I pretty much eat only fruits and vegetables during the day and have a large salad with nuts and seeds-based association of the evening. This is for me at least, really seems to work well. Well, I agree with natural hygiene side is that if you eat mostly vegetables and sprouts are the vegetables that we discussed above are on average about 100 calories per pound, and now as excited as you may have about raw foods is maybe you get 4 per pound of vegetables in whichSomeday, maybe fifth It takes about a pound to fill the stomach. So that is 4 or 500 calories. Most people need 1800 or 2000 if they are active 3, 4, 5000 calories. So you need to
some things are foods denser in calories. Fruit on average has about 300 calories per pound. Bananas are a little 'less water, a little' richer, ideal for banana cream ice off, have about 400 calories per pound. So eat of the fruit is a way to provide more calories. If you do not eat much fruit, thenand you live all the raw materials, which are left with is either the stuff from the dryer or nuts and seeds, avocados and things that are high in fat. So if you can still only about 400 calories of vegetables, and you need to eat 2,000, most of the rest comes from fat. So I used the natural health field who believe that if you completely avoid all raw fruits remain, however, if you get enough calories, just order to agree with most of the calories from fat. Althoughis unsaturated, its protective function, which is healthier fat, there are some essential fats, in my personal experience, and from what I have from my personal experience of what I have seen have seen with many other people over the years, are simply not feel as vital and alive and healthy and happy that they could eat that much fat. The healthy fat is harder to digest than protein or carbohydrates.

The field of Hippocrates that you will agree with some of their criticism of natural hygiene. Green andThe buds are so important not only lettuce and celery, but we need to eat kale and cabbage and bokchoy and some herbs and algae are very important for our nutrition. I agree. Greens are the stars of the show. Green calories per calorie than mineral-rich fruits away. They are an excellent source of essential fatty acids. They provide chlorophyll, a number of positive effects in our body. And they are all really importantThings.

So I think that to get a combination of eating adequate amounts of fruit, enough calories without eating too much fat is a good idea. I think it takes a lot to eat lots of green. And if your vegetable juice, more green in your system I think it's great that you want to receive. The field of natural health would say: "Well, we have no juicer in nature, not natural." Well, we do not live in a perfect world and we must grasp the world as it is, and we will do our best to be ashealthy as possible.

So I do not think we are afraid of fat, but I do not think we fear no fruit. We are able to moderate amounts of each. Some types of fruit, many vegetables, lots of greenery, a couple of avocados and nuts and seeds. For many people, the plan appears to be a pretty good balance.

Kevin: What supplements? Of course I know hygienist -

Rick: You're really on it.

Kevin: Did Hippocrates say about supplements?

Rick: They do. TheHippocrates field, all tend to agree that vitamin B12 are important. Research is ongoing. I think it's really commendable. They are built very much in control in all types of green foods - grasses, algae and the kind of thing. I think many of them are useful, but I must say that sometimes, in my opinion, to reach people as in "I am in this supplement for this and to take this supplement for this," and it's really complicated, as I canappreciate the hygienic point of view that says, "Look, if you're as healthy as possible, you will not need to live all these complications."

So what I do, I get to take a B12 supplement, and I use Vitamineral Green, and occasionally a kind of algae or seaweed or something. What seems to work quite well for me. I'm not against supplements, but I think that only additional supplement, which will be integrated to a healthy diet. Do not be an integrator and Arianeat a couple of things on the side. [Laughs]

Kevin: things like digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes, which is something you think is important?

Rick: I think the digestive enzymes can be very useful. Of course, if you want to cook our food, we inactivate enzymes and then our body must make its own enzymes and when Dr. Edward Howe and others have established the hypothesis that is based on our metabolic enzymes. I think that makes sense if you have any cooked food to use some digestive enzymes to eat, What should replace the formula in the first place. Even if someone eats a meal first real close - a couple of things out of the dryer, a series of oil - I think digestive enzymes can help in this regard. There are a lot of dishes, easier to digest than many raw foods are, depending on the chosen date. Steamed vegetables are easier to digest than a coconut cake.

Kevin: Or a first lasagna.

Rick: I could have alleviated a tablet with the enzymeVegetables and three or four with the raw cake. I think it might be useful. I run from my articles a few years ago and I have not yet replaced, but I think that if they can be useful for them.

Kevin: You did raw food for 20 some odd years.

Rick: Twenty-One.

Kevin: What do you think is the key to success?

Rick: The key to success is in my opinion the application of the principles of health, not just diet. What I say is always cooked to the rawQuestion in your diet and nutrition is a topic for general health. The key is to eat only my opinion, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, more fruits and vegetables if you like more, depending on which area you prefer, this should be the foundation. We want to make sure you have enough sleep. We want to make sure to have a positive attitude. You need to move the body and movement, running, football, gymnastics, cycling, what makes you walk funny. And just try to keep allthat in equilibrium.

If there is one key to feeding, I would say that it is easy to eat, with an emphasis on fresh, water-rich, high-fiber fruits and vegetables. The less energy the body needs for digestion, the more you will have available for ', the cleaning of healing, repair and vitality.

Kevin: Great. Now Rick, thanks to the program. I appreciate it.

Rick: Okay. Very good. I appreciate being here.

Food philosophy, the first and the advantages and disadvantages of each

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